Vandy lives in the Slorkram Commune near Siem Reap. She attends Hun Sen High School and is currently in the 8th grade. She lives with only her mother as her father has passed away and she is an only child. Despite it being just the two of them in the family they still had a low standard of living. Her mother works as a seamstress but is limited to how much she can do due to her being HIV+. Thankfully the Lily Foundation found Vandy...
Bunheng grew up in the Chong Kneas commune near Siem Reap. He is one of five children with two brothers and two sisters. In his early education he did very well and continued on to the 10th grade happily. Unfortunately his parents could no longer afford to fund him attending school (uniform, books) as they have a very basic income from catching and selling fish. They did want him to attend but they had no choice. His school fee’s only...
Sothorng lives in the Chong Kneas Village near Siem Reap and attends Wat Sway high school. He is one of 9 children with three sisters and five brothers. Unfortunately his mother passed away so his single father was trying to provide for the entire family on a fisherman’s wage. Despite being a very poor family Sothorng pushed on and studied hard so he could provide him and his family with a better life in the future. Now through the...
More Photos: Cleaning of Kampong Kleang Project
July 6, 2014: Here are some pictures from the cleaning project in Kampong Kleang, Tonle Sap, Siem Reap,...
Thank you for visiting our Lily Foundation website. My family and I believe that tourism sometimes creates and destroys at the same time. In many parts of the world everybody may have seen the erosion of a culture. Here in my country for instance, we saw big hotels being built where once small communities in bamboo hut dwellings existed. We feel that as members of our community, we must be responsible for what we bring. Over the...