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Thank You to All Who Made “Cleaning Kampong Kleang Project” Possible

Thank You to All Who Made “Cleaning Kampong Kleang Project” Possible

Five years ago when Lily was in Kampong Kleang with Wil Thijssen, she said “ I want to help this village and clean all the plastic trash.”

Now, 6th of July 2014, Lily and with the help of CATA, hotels, travel agencies, volunteers, students, and local villagers, we are back in Kampong Kleang to make the first step. Cleaning Kampong Kleang Project.

Our thanks go to President of CATA Mr. Ang Kim Eang and Vice President of CATA ( Siem Reap Branch ) Mr. Proen. Without their help it was almost impossible to initiate this cleaning project. We also want to thank Monika Riedl for her financial assistance to start the project.

Also many thanks to following: Kampoul Adventures, Adventure Loop, AsiaVipa, Victoria hotel, FCC, Le Meridien, Smile of Angkor, Raffles Hotel, Royal Empire hotel, Palatte Restaurant, Senses Journeyes, Tara Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap Cycling, Piet and Plony (+Vutha), Cambodian Travel Partner, Jeff La Flamme, Triple A Adventures, Cambodia Jeep, students from the school in Kampong Kleang, villagers of Kampong Kleang, Chief of Kampong Kleang, Euro Khmer Voyages, Kees and Ine, Apex Travel, and many more….

Our sincerest apologies if we forgot to mention anyone.

cleaning kampong kleang cleaning kl group 1We made the first step but this project is not finished. This is just the beginning.

The next step is to teach to children in the schools of Kampong Kleang about the waste and plastic problems, and provide awareness to the villagers. We also try to bring all parties together to find the best solutions. We need to involve the Community Chief of Kampong Kleang, Ministery of Environment, Waste Company, local villagers, NGOs and other parties to start a dialog and find a way to tackle the plastic problem in Kampong Kleang.


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